The Supremacy of the Word

The great stalwarts of
the faith never supposed that their position in the Scriptures would be placed on par with
Scripture itself. We could do this movement no greater disservice than to erect barriers
between brethren because we do not see all things alike. In this regard, l can only praise
the kindly, Christ-like spirit displayed by Mr. Charles Welch and Dr. E. W. Bullinger
before him. These men were first and foremost concerned with the honor, faith, and
heart-homage due the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ was the foundation
and goal of their lives and labors. lf one would take the effort to read the mountainous
writings of these two men, one would see that they loved and taught from all the
Scriptures, and only asked men to follow with them so as to “search and see” if
these things be so.” While we deeply revere these men and others that have instructed
us in the truth, still our loyalty is due only to God and to His Word. We are not to look
to man’s writing about the Bible or even studies drawn from the Bible, no matter how fine
and true, as being on par with the Scriptures themselves. lf we keep this at heart, we
will bear with charity those who are at variance with us, remembering we are not competing
against each other, but, rather, seeking to clear away the rubbish of traditions,
meritorious religions, and spiritual intellectualism so that the Light of Truth may
radiate unhindered.

final appeal must be to the Scriptures alone; no more than this but, certainly, no less.
Each should feel free to judge studies or Biblical material by the Scriptures and not by
what others say about them. This alone is fair to the author. The temptation is to place
some authority, ancient, or modern, church, or state, above the Scriptures.

Another’s knowledge in the Word of
God must not be used as our “resting place” for truth. “To the Word and To the
Testimony” should be our constant aim. Nor should one with knowledge seek to rule the
conscience of a brother. Who so rules, usurps the place of Christ and thus creates a
“follower of man” fraught with all its discord and heartbreak.

Satan’s lie is that the Bible is
obtuse and difficult. The Bible was given for normal, ordinary people, and with
application of time and study, its truths are easily within the humblest believer’s grasp.

AlI doctrines should be tried by
the Scriptures before affirming their truthfulness. To believe something before checking
the Word of God is to trust the wisdom of man rather than the Word of God. lf it is proved
to be true, you have gained something; if it is a mere man-made doctrine, its loss will
not impoverish your faith. We must Iet no one dictate the faith of another. To our Master
and Head, Christ, we stand or fall.

There have been a host of wonderful
Bible teachers over the years but, while we believe God has used these men, still we dare
not attribute to them infallibility, nor would we be doing their scholarship an honor to
say that more light may not be forth coming from the Word.

Differences of opinion? Yes. Even
Peter and Paul had their disputes. But “thus saith the Lord” was an end of opinion
and we see Paul rebuking Peter for his lapse in faith (Galatians). Finally, we are asked
to keep God’s unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3), and
there are many keeping the unity as listed in Ephesians 4:4-6, but not in the bond of
peace. None of us can live, love, and labor unto himself. We need each other. Dependency
upon God alone does not imply independence from others of like precious faith. The same
Divine Book teaches us to love one another and to forgive one another, for we are members
one of another. The very term “Body of Christ” should teach us our
inter-relationship with each other under Christ our Mutual Head.

How Far Can I Go and How?

Paul was in great agony or conflict
(the life and death agonizing conflict of the gladiatorial contests) that others might
“acknowledge the mystery of God and Christ”
(Colossians 2: 1,2). This was God’s mystery and, by the context we gather that it was
closely related to the believer’s being complete in His Son, and being positioned ”
far above all” at the Father’s right hand (Colossians l : 1-10; 3:3 – Cp. Ephesians
1:5, 6:2,3,5). The word we want to look at however is translated “acknowledge”.
This is from “epi”, an intensive, and ”ginosko, ” to know’, hence, to know
fully – to have a full knowledge of any biblical subject. If a subject is worth
investigating, it is worth investigating well. This involves a willingness to take a
humble place as a student, determining to let the Bible be its own commentary, and to
interpret itself to us of its own terms.

We should have a teachable spirit
along with a Bible having good print, *The Companion Bible, which is the KJV with
appendixes, and critical text or/and The Nestle-Marshall Interlinear Greek-English New
Testament or another critical translation is a must. We should have a Strong’s or
Young’s concordance, and, as soon as we learn to use these, add an Englishmens’s
Concordance especially of the New Testament. This last will reveal how the bible uses
words in the Greek or Hebrew text. English listings and indexes pilot the student here.

As students of God’s great
Library, we have set before us a task of sufficient scope to engage all our waking hours,
but since this isn’t possible, at least set aside a definite time of study each day. Be
regular, whether early or late. No one is too young or too old to start.

A teachable spirit involves
willingness to unlearn as well as to learn. Some truths are worthy of constant repetition
and re-learning especially as they relate to the nature and being of God, our Saviour and

As we gather up information on
various Biblical subjects, let us make deductions and conclusions only after all the facts
are in and tabulated. Recently a writer mentioned that ”eternal” in the Old Testament
must always mean eternal since it is used of God, but the same word is used of the length
of a slave’s bondage to his master (he would serve him forever). But should the Hebrew
slave die the next day, this “eternity” would be of one day’s duration . . . . So,
words are tempered by contexts.

As we study, gathering truth
together that goes together, and distinguishing things that differ, perhaps it is in order
to suggest right here that we feed the NEW Man, the heart as
well as the head. If our heart does not grow apace with our head knowledge; if one’s
heart, compassion, and love is not broadened as we learn more of Him, then we must take
stock of ourselves as to the motive for our studies. Love for the truth is only equaled by
love for Him and others. Biblical intellectualism alone can be as cold as a statute of
stone, and as lifeless. Truth was meant to be a cause of rejoicing – of cheer, and of
happiness (1 Corinthians 13:6). The giving out of what we have taken in is a necessity.
Truth is like Iove – only good as it is shared, doubled as it is divided.

Christ declared He came to bear
witness to the truth (John 18:37). This is sufficient reason for study-to witness the
truth of God to others. This is not a barren gift to give, for, according to Psalms 119:
l62, truth is a precious treasure when found. Let us share our treasures; let us enrich


The social church of the religious
society is moving toward the ”Great Mediocrity. The pass words seem to be
“conformity and union. ” That the worldly church should jettison the virtues of
Scripture comes as no surprise. That the worldly church should foster its Godless,
Christless theology and scholarship upon the believer in Christ and pass itself off as a
“Christian Institution” is almost beyond understanding.

What should our attitude be? Paul’s
admonition to Timothy holds true today . . . . “Hold FAST The form (pattern) of sound
words” (2 Timothy 1: 13), and, ”the good deposit guard’‘ (Greek text 2Timothy l
:14), and positively, ”holding forth the Word of Iife” (Philippians 2: 16). If we are
thus engaged. we will have not time nor desire to have concord with these willful enemies
of God and demeanors of our Lord. This is not closing our hearts toward the man outside of
Christ, nor withholding our succor to the failing saint.

Is this inviting persecution? Paul
writes in Philippians 1:20, 21 , ”Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life
or by death. For me to live is Christ and to die (for Him ) is gain” (Christ’s
gain). see Philippians 1 :29. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not
only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake. Is there no longer
this attitude of Paul in God’s people? ls Christ esteemed so lowly that we are unwilling
to suffer any loss for Him? Are no champions to come forth from the ranks of our
generation to contend for the Glory of His Name?

What has enervated the
believer of his strength and testimony? The answers to this might be numerous, but can it
be, while the believer has full freedom of access to the Father (Ephesians 3: 12), that he
has not been communicating with the Father? Can it be that there is no strengthening of
the inner man by God’s Spirit (Ephesians 3: 16-19); that Christ is not dwelling at home in
our hearts; that we are not aware of the multi-dimensions of God’s love and so remain in
love or at least in compliance with the world?

The saint has been put upon-not
searching the Scriptures for himself. He has let the Word of God be relegated to so-called
professionals. Instead of the pure Word of God being preached, the believer is given a
heady substitute; that is, religious services. This has been multiplied by borrowing
either from Old Testament rituals or from paganism.

The religious system that has
evolved as a substitute for the Scriptures of Truth, has done its work well. The believer
was placated by priests, altars, rituals, days, fasts, feasts, and wafers, and by this led
to think, “This is service for God.”


Many believers have not been thus
entrapped: but carry no burden except their living expenses. Are missionaries, foreign and
domestic, only for defaulting denominations? Has this grand message of the Grace of God no
voice’? ls Paul’s call to fight the good fight of faith” to have no warriors? Are there
none to stand behind those who would carry on this ministry and message’? Let each of us
search our own hearts for the answers to these questions, then let us act upon them!

<Part 1
Do You Know the Bible Study Rules?