
This web site is a collection of Bible studies by non-denominational Christian writers whose purpose is to help you understand God’s Word. It is our hope that you look at each lesson as a Berean, searching the scriptures of Truth prayerfully:

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you
the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:” (Eph.1:17)

Through this web site, you can listen to over 2,000 free Bible study audios on most any subject of the Bible. You’ll also find the writings of dispensational Christian Bible teachers such as Charles Welch, Stuart Allen, Oscar Baker and more. These teachers understood and taught the Bible study principles of “rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2. Tim. 2:15) and “analyzing things that are different” (Phil.1:9,10). It is our hope that your study of God’s Word will be enriched through their teachings.

About the Scriptures – Introduction

The Holy Bible is given to us so that we can know how to find our way back to the Almighty God. Since we cannot live in the presence of a Holy God because of our sin, He has provided a Way for us to be reconciled to Him. That way is only through his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, who shed his blood for us to take away not only our sin but the sin of the world, once for all, (Hebrews 10:1-10).

As believers we have the responsibility as faithful stewards, in believing all that God has written in his Word, however, not all of scripture is about us today. Some refers to past and future dispensations or administrations. We need to study to find those Scriptures which are about us now. Through Bible study according to the principles of right division or sound hermeneutics, we find that not all the New Testament is about us, the church which is His Body.